
Dit onderzoek maakt gebruik van verschillende tests1,2 die gebaseerd zijn op diverse meetschalen, zoals de St. Hans rating scale3,4, Abnormal Involuntary Movement Rating Scale5,6, de Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale7-9, de Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale5,10, de Burke Fahn Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale11. Daarnaast zijn er ook enkele extra elementen toegevoegd op basis van literatuur en ervaring.

  1. Knol W, Keijsers CJ, Jansen PA, van Marum RJ. Systematic evaluation of rating scales for drug-induced parkinsonism and recommendations for future research. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2010; 30(1): 57-63.
  2. Harten PN. van Meetinstrumenten bij motorische bijwerkingen. Tijdschr voor Psychiatrie 2004; 46: 711-5.
  3. Ringo DL, Half LM, Faustman WO. Validating the St. Hans rating scale with the abnormal involuntary movement scale (AIMS) in the assessment of tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1996; 16(1): 94-5.
  4. Gerlach J, Korsgaard S, Clemmesen P, et al. The St. Hans Rating Scale for extrapyramidal syndromes: reliability and validity. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1993; 87(4): 244-52.
  5. Martinez-Martin P, Gil-Nagel A, Gracia LM, Gomez JB, Martinez-Sarries J, Bermejo F. Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale characteristics and structure. The Cooperative Multicentric Group. Mov Disord 1994; 9(1): 76-83.
  6. Guy W, Ban TA, Wilson WH. An international survey of tardive dyskinesia. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 1985; 9(4): 401-5.
  7. Barnes TR. The Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale–revisited. J Psychopharmacol 2003; 17(4): 365-70.
  8. Barnes TR. A rating scale for drug-induced akathisia. Br J Psychiatry 1989; 154: 672-6.
  9. van Harten PN. [Drug-induced akathisia]. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2002; 146(3): 110-4.
  10. Richards M, Marder K, Cote L, Stern Y, Mayeux R. Interrater reliability and factor structure of the unified parkinson’s disease rating scale motor examination. Ann Neurology 1992; 32(2): 250.
  11. Burke RE, Fahn S, Marsden CD, Bressman SB, Moskowitz C, Friedman J. Validity and reliability of a rating scale for the primary torsion dystonias. Neurology 1985; 35(1): 73-7.